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Nature Stone Sink Maintenance
NEWS28 Dec 2017

The natural stone sinks your have purchased for your home or office is an investment that will give you many years of beautiful services. 

Stone is a natural product and simple care and maintenance will keep it looking beautiful. 

Here are some recommendations for routine care and cleaning.

Keep It Clean

Wipe the basin dry with a soft cloth after each use. Cleaning on a regular basis will help prevent the development of hard water deposits. 

The best way to clean your vessel sink is to use a soapy soft cloth, sponge or nylon brush. Be sure to rinse the sink well after cleaning and dry it thoroughly.

Don’t allow surface deposits of hard water or products such as calcium, salt, lime or detergents to build up on your stone sink. 

If your stone vessel sink develops persistent stains, try a non-abrasive cleaner such as dishwasher soap, Soft Scrub or a professional stone cleaner solution which can be purchased from a local hardware or tile store. 

Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel wool pads, toilet bowl cleaner, vinegar, ammonia, or lemon juice. Stone surfaces can be easily etched by cleaning products containing acids. Clean, polish, and seal only with products meant for natural stone materials.

Keep It Dry

Keep your sink dry. Wipe it after each use, especially porous stones such as limestone. 

Keeping the stone sink dry will also prevent water marks and spots on the shiny surfaces of granite, marble, and quartz. 

Seal and Polish

If you have a sink made of a shiny stone, you should seal it and polish it. Polishing will seal the stone and make it both shiny and stain resistant.